• Missing Parts, the Sound of Silence


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    We are Calvin Pang (art therapist and artist) and Helene le Chatelier (artist and writer). We will be presenting a collaborative art project entitled Missing Part, the Sound of Silence in May 2023 through Art Outreach’s Hearth Program in Gillman Barracks, Singapore. We have planned it to be based on a collaborative process through workshops, virtual and real encounters with various communities across Singapore such as yourselves. This would potentially result in a series of artworks and installations exploring themes of individual and collective resilience.


    Through this page, we are hoping to engage with you evolving around themes such as memory and resilience, and how art can provide comfort and well-being to anyone. We plan to focus our engagements based on the human ability to contain memories, by turning difficult remembrance into poetic objects. One parallel example would be through the physicality of paper as a malleable material, our memory can mirror this property as we continue to live, expand, and develop.


    You are invited to send anonymously written or recorded memories through the attached Google Form below. Please kindly note that all languages are welcome so feel free to express yourself in any tongue that is comfortable for you.


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    All testimonies will remain confidential in their original forms and will be transformed, assembled and turned into poetic artworks. It is our hope that through this transformation process, these collected contents from the community will convey the notion that we carry within ourselves the capacity to build joy, lightness and poetry despite challenging life circumstances.


    Through the written testimonies and oral history in both social and private settings, Missing Part, the Sound of Silence aims to be a collaborative and inclusive project that builds bridges among generations and communities. The work hopes to highlight resilience as one of the commonalities of our human condition through the voices of different individuals living different lives on the same territory. It seeks to pay tribute and honour all the unknown / anonymous individuals whose personal stories constitute the narrative of social history in Singapore.


    Thank you for your contribution! With this project we are hoping to contribute in bringing more lightness, resilience and joy into your life through art!


    Pang and Helene.